
From left: James Henry Ellenwood, Ardith Lucille Miller, Roy Wilson Hunter, Zita Catherine Hughes,

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Hughes Children 1920

Came across this picture of the Patrick Hughes/Maggie Boland children, circa 1920. Zita is my maternal grandmother. Sadly, Helen Rita died in May of 1920 and Patrick Edmund in December of 1922.

L to R: Cyril Henry, Mary Agnes, Zita Catherine, Patrick Edmund and Helen Rita (baby).

Hunter Brothers 1890

My mom recently gave me some old photos, in the collection was this gem. Wilson Hunter's sons from his first marriage to Ada Tewsley (1840-1880). They are my great-grandfather's (John Francis Hunter) half siblings. Ada passed away in Ontario in 1878 when the children were still young. Isabella and Hunter married in 1880 and eventually had 4 children together. This photo was taken at a portrait studio in Milton, North Dakota, I'm guessing circa 1890? Nice looking young men, I love the mustaches!

William, James, and George Hunter